Friday, October 17, 2008

Chatpers 22-25

Jem said. "I think I'm beginning to understand why Boo Radley's stayed shut up in the
house all this time . . . it's because he wants to stay inside." Why does he say that? Do you agree? Why or why not?


Jenny K said...

Jem said this after coming back from Tom Robinson’s trial. After the trial, Jem realized the trial wasn’t equal.
“It ain’t right, Atticus,” (Lee 212)
“No son, it’s not right.” (Lee 212)
It was even approved by Atticus, which made Jem evident. Jem may have had a feeling before that the world isn’t as good as he thought and believed. But Tom Robinson’s trial made it clear. I think Jem has a similar feeling to Boo Radley. Maybe it is Jem who wants to stay inside. They may both be scared of the not very pleasant world. I assume that Jem is right about what he thinks about Boo, since he is feeling something very familiar to Boo.

yasmin F. said...

I agree, because I think that Boo Radley is just scared of the world around him. I believe that he has already been hurt before, and doesn’t want to get hurt again. Boo knows that the world is not fair, and they will definitely judge him if he even steps out his door. He also wants to stay inside, because he is aware of many things. These things are the injustice of the world in the south, which are the racism and prejudices.

Unknown said...

Jem says this because there were many rumors that seemed unreasonable because of some of the kind acts that Boo had done for the children. Maybe Boo thought that the outside world was too complicated because of all the stereotypes that people had to behave like and because of the racism.

sora cho said...

I agree that Boo Radley prefers being inside his house instead of coming out. He is scared and knows that the world will sooner or later hurt him, especially with the gossips and rumors they have about Boo. He thinks that it will be too troublesome to come out and deal with what they say. He thinks that it is best to not explain things, because he is sure that nobody would believe him. Boo Radley decides to stay inside his house, even though it might be lonely, because nobody would hurt him or talk bad about him. He feels safe in his house, giving him the choice to not come out.

Anonymous said...

Jem is devastated after the trial. He is starting to think about how cruel the world is and how unfair. Then, it comes to his mind that Boo has experienced this unfairness as a child and later on decided to stay inside the house all of the time to escape from this cruel world that we live in. Jem thinks that this may be a reasonable idea and that is probably is the reason that Boo stays inside the house. To a certain point I have to agree with Jem. Boo is being rumored about all the time and he probably doesn't feel to well being under the people that he is descriminated by so much. But it probably arises even more rumor when Arthur is locked up in the house all of the time so I have to disagree with Jem. I also don't believe that it is very fun to stay locked up in the smae house all of the time.

Uin Kim said...

Jem says that because he realizes how cruel the world is, as everyone else said. I agree that the world is cruel; especially during that time at that place. Everyone would think so as well after thinking about all of the sins the people in this world have committed. This world is corrupted with all of the false stereotypes and unfair judgment. But I think it is only partly true that he's staying shut up in the house. Yes, he is staying at home because the outside world is unfair and stereotyped, but that is only one reason. The other reason is his older brother, Nathan Radley, that does not let him out. This is proved when he fills the knothole with cement. He does not want his brother to interact with others, so he keeps him in. Boo does not really have a choice, and he does not want to go out either.

andy said...

He says that since there is no other alternative to the fact that he never comes out of that house. I will have to disagree with Yasmin. First of all, nobody likes to be locked up in a house even if they do get used to it. What we describe as "fresh air" is actually far more important than we think. It's like sleeping or even drinking water. So, Boo Radley was probably going crazy inside that house. I'm not saying he was not afraid of the outside world though. But, he surely was going crazy in there.

yellowtyson said...

He says this never he realized how unfair the outside world is. He then sees that Boo has first-hand experienced the unfairness. Jem thinks that Boo thinks that the outside world is complicated. There are many rumors about Boo and it affects his social life. This makes this stay in his house. I agree with Jem because I think that Boo is scared of other people's reactions. I also disagree because there are even more rumors if he stays all the time in his house. Also, he probably does not WANT to stay inside, but it is the only choice he thinks he has.

Jacky Mejia said...

I think Jem was understanding that Boo does not come out because he does not want to confront and deal with the unfairness outside of the world. Yes, I agree because it is true. If I know the truth, that the world is unfair, and that the truth will be more unfair towards me, I would want to say inside my home too.