Friday, October 17, 2008

After Reading 9

Could the same thing happen to Tom Robinson today? Explain why or why not.

After Reading 8

Are the characters in Mockingbird stereotypes? If so, explain why Harper Lee used
stereotypes. If not, explain how the characters merit individuality.

After Reading 7

Explain Dill's role in the novel. Why was he included?

After Reading 6

Explain how the title relates to the events of the novel and the themes of To Kill A

After Reading 5

Explain the importance of the setting in To Kill A Mockingbird. Could this story have been
set in a different time and place and still have the same effect?

After Reading 4

Are Jem's actions believably motivated? Explain why or why not.

After Reading 3

Describe Atticus' relationship with Jem and Scout and contrast it with their relationship to
Aunt Alexandra.